Mohammad Ebrahim Fatahi (Sapco Company)
According to some surveys, connected cars, the Internet in devices and things, blockchain technology, future analysis, and 3D printing are the trends that will expose the Automotive industry in Iran to a revolutionary transformation in 2018. These trends will actually transform the way automakers respond to changing customer behaviors, develop partnerships, and bring a transitional change.
The automobile industry has gone through fundamental changes since its formation in the last years of the 19th century. In the meantime, the distinguishing feature of this industry is its capacity for change, and certainly 2018 will experience a fundamental change.
digital Becoming , automation increasing And Patterns Business New , industries And Including industry car particle for direct object transformed Have . However changes Fundamental At industry car how much Is That At now Visible Become is , but yet still no way There is no coherent vision of how these changes in the shape of the automobile industry will be in the next 5 to 10 years.
Read More : What is the best internatioanl ( imported ) selling car in Iran?
But according to some findings, as a result of the above changes, the automobile industry will experience five basic trends. Certainly, identifying these trends in this section of the ACTgroup‘s site can help you better prepare for the certainly uncertain potential of the future:
Trend 1: Connected Cars
Connected cars are able to share information such as weather conditions, speed, sudden braking, accidents, and the like, and this is actually the beginning of a new formation that V2V) ) [ i ] , read done Is. At fact Technology Oops Wi-Fi Eventually To Standard all Vehicles conversion Will became.
So surprise does not have That subjects As connections wireless And Application sensor At car And powers the transfer power [ii] Including cases To the count they are going That during years the past has Most of the measure Development And development have been .
Among the ten largest companies active in the connected car sector, there are 4 automobile companies (General Motors, BMW, Toyota and Audi) and 3 technology giants (Samsung, Microsoft and Google).
In relation to countries, China’s rank among countries is higher than usual.
China is actually the second country in the world in terms of connected car innovation. It is important to mention that a considerable number of Chinese universities and some small companies are also active in this field.
figure: Life cycle of projects
Trend 2: Internet of Things [ i ]
Smart Internet is a new technology behind the functions of connected cars. Among these things, we can mention automatic parking system and intelligent cruise control, which will be available in all new cars.
The movement of using the smart internet system is an unstoppable trend, while the use of driverless cars on the roads will not be feasible in 2018, the prospect of using this system in the future is quite clear.
In addition, the top ten players in this field are also technology giants, companies such as Microsoft; Google or IBM are . Ford to announce did That until the Production year 2021 Cars self-driving particle for direct object the beginning Will did _ At this between hybrid From companies also With Cooperation Each other Shape have taken.
For example, Ford is doing joint team work with Tesla, Audi, MIT , Folks wagon , BMW And Volvo Is . while Ford With BMW , general Motors , Audi And Volkswagen come in Cooperation done Is . At the chart Under Process Additive Number Innovations At this Background brought done Is.
But regarding the players in this field, it should be said that half of them are the technology giants of the world Microsoft , Google , IBM Ford also has plans in this field and Tesla is active in the field of driverless car production in cooperation with Google .
figure: The top ten innovative organizations in the field of application of Internet of Things in the automotive industry
Trend 3: Blockchain technology [ i ]
The topic of blockchain is one of the fundamental trends in the automotive industry that has created a lot of expectations. Blockchain is a great technology that is getting a lot of attention in the tech space right now and suppliers are starting to use it in 2017.
Blockchain is a transaction distribution platform where each transaction is linked to other nearby transactions through encryption [ii] Connected Is . To Phrase other Due to block china Company assets are often monitored digitally without intermediaries and are authenticated in this way to make it easier to transfer and to make it impossible to copy.
As shown in the chart below, now more than 95% of companies active in the development and development of blockchain for the automotive industry are related to private sector companies.
In the meantime, Microsoft together with Renault Group to create Blockchain app Cooperation he does That On Basis it Kidney Information related to the car will be placed in a safe format.
Also the company Movimento currently Check ways Is That Automobile manufacturers particle for direct object capable Makes until the All levels Production And Process Transportation particle for direct object Due to One Bank Informational safe That By Suppliers as Simultaneous up to date It can be tracked slow down.
figure: Ten innovative organizations in the field of blockchain
On the other hand, transitional countries have started using this system mainly through small companies in the automobile and parts industry, which are headed by America and Germany.
Process 4: Predictive analysis [ i ]
big data [ii] That one From The most important Agents change the giver Play At every industrial considered will be one From Trends basic And Full the future At industry car To the count goes.
Analyses Foresight To Forecast the future From techniques several From Sentence data mining [iii] , modeling, machine learning [iv] With Use From techniques learning car And intelligence artificial , Use they do.
The use of this smart technology will be vital for the automotive industry and the development and development of connected cars, especially for dealing with traffic accidents and risk-taking factors.
But prospective analysis also To Customers has Insurances Affordable And cautious Help they do until the Risks And damages less particle for direct object Experience do And With Repair early car life Helpful car particle for direct object More do.
from other this Method To Automobile manufacturers also Help he does until the not only With facts such as cost pressures, competition and instabilities, but also to face issues such as the performance of materials, design or the behavior of drivers.
In this regard, companies such as Ford and General Motors are establishing partnerships with universities to predict the hypothetical reactions of human movements.
figure: Top ten global organizations in the field of predictive analytics in the automotive industry
Process 5: 3D printing
Cars are now designed to be dimensionally tested in 3 and even 5 dimensions of a crash and last an average of 7 to 10 years. But 3D printing in practice will enable the automotive industry to build a car based on a stable chassis [ i ] With One body Foreign That To One Bar test accident Designing They can be made.
Then it will be replaced in a low-cost way, while the original car structure will be kept in place. This is revolutionary the system Conceptual We At Background Repair car At the future Creation Will did.
Review of the consulting firm linknovate At About Records related With The use of 3D printing in the automotive industry and parts manufacturing indicates the rapid growth of this trend in the automotive industry in recent years.
5 Automotive Trends to Watch in 2018 (November 9, 2017)
[ i ] solid chassis
[ i ] Predictive Analysis
[ii] At available to be Volume enormous data
[iii] data mining
[iv] machine learning
[ i ] Blockchain
[ii] Cryptography
[ i ] Internet of things – loT
[ i ] vehicle to vehicle
[ii] transmissions