Where are the car related Auto and Spare Parts exhibitions in Iran?

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Exhibitions related to cars and spare part in different regions of Iran

Every year, various Exhibitions related to cars in Iran are held. In the view of car related shops in Iran Many of which are open to the public, you have the opportunity to check out new parts, new domestic cars, innovative products and new imported cars.

Among some of these exhibitions, we can mention domestic cars, imported products, car parts and heavy cars, which we ACT Group have discussed in this article.

Exhibitions related to cars in Iran

Auto Expo; An opportunity to unveil the new products of car manufacturers

Just like any other country, there are many people in Iran who are very interested in cars. Many of these people are so-called thirsty to get to know new cars on the market and check them. The same is true of many car activists.

In addition to these cases, considering the sanctions that exist against Iran and the restrictions that have been created for automobile manufacturers, automobile manufacturers should go towards the expansion of domestic production.

This issue has caused us to see car exhibitions with different themes such as imported cars, heavy cars, diesel cars and even car parts in different parts of the country every year.

Types of Cars & Related Parts & Accessories (AUTO PARTS) Exhibition in Iran

In Iran, there are various exhibitions in the field of automobiles, which are held at specific and different time intervals.

Usually, people who work in the automotive field try to attend these exhibitions. If you are one of these people, we suggest that you have information about them before taking any action to participate in these exhibitions.

Exhibitions related to cars in Iran

Domestic car exhibition

One of the automobile-related exhibitions in Iran is the domestic automobile exhibition, which is also known by different titles such as the transformation of the domestic industry.

In these Exhibitions, government and private domestic car manufacturers are present and you can see their various projects in the field of cars.

Imagine that you are at the domestic car Exhibition and you have entered the section related to iran khodro products. In this section, you can see the current products of this brand.

At the same time, this company has also provided you with information about the manufacturing process of some of its products.

For example, for the car that is supposed to replace the 206, which we all know as the TF21, a replica is considered first. You can see the replica of this car in the exhibition.

Next, you can see other trends in the construction of this car, such as the interior design. Then, it comes to its chassis, engine and power transmission, which many companies like IRAN KHODRO CO. have provided you with the opportunity to view.

Inally, you can see the final version of the desired car. The same issue exists for other products such as Reira and even cars from other automobile manufacturers such as saipa group and Kerman Motor.

As a result, if you are interested in car design, this exhibition can attract your attention.

Exhibition of imported products

It was at the end of 2017 that the import of Iranian cars was closed. As a result, car shows like Aftab car show have lost their luster. Because there was no news of imported and new products.

But this year, 1402, it is possible to import and introduce some new cars. Therefore, at the end of the first half of the year, some of these products were introduced, of course, many of them were Chinese cars but imported.

Exhibitions related to cars in Iran

In the exhibition of imported cars that was held in the past, we saw the presence of some special cars. For example, in the exhibition that was held in Aftab city in 2013, the Renault brand put one of the Formula One cars in the exhibition.

Auto parts exhibition in Iran

Another exhibition related to automobiles in Iran, which is held annually, is the automobile parts exhibition. In this exhibition, you can see all kinds of body parts, interior, engine, gearbox and even chassis.

As a result, if you are interested in technical reviews of cars, we suggest not to miss the opportunity to participate in this exhibition.

Example: Among these types of exhibitions, we can mention Iran AutoParts Exhibition (IAPEX 2023).

Exhibition of heavy vehicles

Sometimes, the exhibition of heavy vehicles is held next to light vehicles. But sometimes, it is possible to hold this exhibition separately.

As it is clear from the name of this exhibition, heavy and semi-heavy vehicles including trucks, trailers, vans and all kinds of caravans are present in it.

Classic car exhibition

Every now and then, a classic car exhibition is held in Iran. In this exhibition, you can see various cars that are at least more than 40 years old and can attract your attention both technically and visually.

For example, in the exhibition that was held in 2018, the Chevrolet Corvette was present in this collection, of which there are a handful of examples in the country.

Car tuning and service exhibition

One of the best exhibitions in the field of automobiles is the automobile tuning exhibition. In this exhibition, you can see all kinds of services related to strengthening cars.

Also, in this exhibition, there are different galleries and collections that provide services related to detailing and strengthening of domestic and foreign cars.

However, it is normal to want to see special cars with extremely high power and unusual appearance at this show.

For example, you might see a Peugeot 206 that is capable of producing more power than a Toyota Land Cruiser!

Exhibitions related to cars in Iran

Exhibitions related to cars in Iran in 1402

In 1402, various automobile exhibitions were held in different cities of Iran. Of course, the theme of some of these exhibitions was the same and only the city and time of their holding differed. In the following, we will get to know some of these exhibitions.

Tehran car exhibition

As the name suggests, at the Tehran Automobile Exhibition, you can see all kinds of imported and domestically produced cars from different brands, such as Modiran KhodroKerman Motoriran khodro, Saipa, Farda Motor, Maksath Motor and other brands.

At the Tehran car show, which is known as the largest car show and is held in Aftab city, you have the opportunity to check different cars before buying.

As a result, if you are thinking of buying a new car, we suggest you visit this exhibition.

Exhibition of imported cars

It was at the end of the first half of 1402 that after several years, imported cars finally entered the Iranian market.

Of course, these cars are very limited and there is no mention of luxury products in them. Thanks to the car price ceiling for imports, the imported models are usually Chinese or from Korean products in the most basic type possible.

For example, you could see the 2023 Elantra car in this exhibition, which had no neon lights, no monitors, safety systems in the most basic possible state, and no comfort systems.

Of course, the imported Chinese cars are from reputable brands such as Geely and GAC, which are allowed to be sold in the European and sometimes American markets.

Of course, we must point out that the Italian car Fiat 500 is also among these imports.

Automobile industry transformation exhibition

The automobile industry transformation exhibition is one of the automobile-related exhibitions that we mentioned earlier.

The last industry transformation exhibition was held in November 1402 and domestic car manufacturers unveiled their latest products.

It is worth mentioning that many car manufacturers unveiled electric products in this exhibition. It was exactly at this exhibition that the news of Ray-Ray electric exhausts created a buzz, but later it was announced that these exhausts are only for beauty.

Exhibition of transformation of the automobile industry with a racing track

Right next to the automobile industry transformation exhibition that was held in November 1402, there is also a racing track where bloggers and activists in the automotive field had the opportunity to review and test various electric and gasoline products from reputable brands.

This issue caused a more detailed test and review of these cars.

Car exhibition in different cities

In addition to Tehran, the car exhibition was also held in other cities such as Isfahan, Zanjan, Mashhad, Mazandaran and Shiraz.

The same cars are usually present in these exhibitions and only the location of the exhibition was different.

It should be noted that in some of them, some car manufacturers introduced new products, of which Bahman G9 was one of them.

Also, in many of these exhibitions, you had the opportunity to visit and check commercial vehicles. Another exhibition is expected to be held in the spring of 1403.

Read More : import and export auto spare parts in iran

Exhibitions related to cars in Iran

Exhibitions related to cars in Iran; Popular events

Exhibitions related to cars in Iran have a high diversity. If you are interested in cars or are one of the activists in the field of cars, we suggest you to attend these exhibitions.

  • International trade fair for the automotive industry in iran
  • Iran Automechanika
  • Iran Automotive Parts & Accessories Trade Shows
  • Iapex Iran

It is worth pointing out that in the past when car importation was legal, these exhibitions were more attractive and even attracted people who are not interested in cars.

However, it is expected that exhibitions will regain their previous attractiveness in the future.

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